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Rebecca Martinez

Portland, OR, USA

Founder and Executive Director of Alma Institute. Endeavoring to seed equity, access, and justice in the field of psychedelic healing.

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Katrin Welch

I donated because it hurts my heart to see the psychedelic healing space manifesting through profit driven, capitalist, colonization -shaped companies and individuals who enact extraction and exploitation on the plants and people who have c... Read more

Alma Institute

Portland, OR
Our mission is to strengthen and diversify the network of legal psychedelic service providers, beginning in Oregon.
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I gave because Alma walks the walk, keeping relationships and care for all beings at the center of their healing work.

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Alma Institute

Portland, OR
Our mission is to strengthen and diversify the network of legal psychedelic service providers, beginning in Oregon.
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Alma Institute

Portland, OR
Our mission is to strengthen and diversify the network of legal psychedelic service providers, beginning in Oregon.
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