
Lewis Manzon

Lewis Manzon

Jesus healed me from p-word addiction and its only fair that I try and make a difference from where I'm coming from.

Allies Against Slavery

Austin, TX
Allies Against Slavery builds platforms and partnerships that accelerate data-driven solutions to human trafficking.
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Feed donation card link to $/@lewis.manzon/alliesagainstslavery

Jesus healed me from addiction to bad things such as sexually with eyes and hands but cooking is something that I always loved but was never quite good at.... so I'm trying to serve others as best as possible with this newness in me.

Culinary Hospitality Outreach And Wellness Inc logo

Culinary Hospitality Outreach And Wellness Inc

Broomfield, CO
CHOW’s mission is to support wellness within the food/beverage/hospitality industry and to improve the lives of our community.
Feed nonprofit card link to Culinary Hospitality Outreach And Wellness Inc
Feed donation card link to $/@lewis.manzon/culinary-hospitality-outreach-and-wellness-inc