A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 02-0766269

Join Kathryn to support Shoe4Africa

Kathryn Karp Cohen

Join Kathryn to support Shoe4Africa

All emotions are on-deck for my courageous son. That said, I am proud and happy to support Olly's next Big Monumental Adventure! My prayers and faith are with him, and truly appreciate his effort to raise money for such compelling causes. GO OLLY GO!


All emotions are on-deck for my courageous son. That said, I am proud and happy to support Olly's next Big Monumental Adventure! My prayers and faith are with him, and truly appreciate his effort to raise money for such compelling causes. GO OLLY GO!

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 02-0766269

Not for profit, founded as a 501C3 charity in 2006 in NYC. Providing Health, Education, and Empowerment opportunities.

Small organization


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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 02-0766269

Not for profit, founded as a 501C3 charity in 2006 in NYC. Providing Health, Education, and Empowerment opportunities.

Small organization