A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 94-3252009

Join Connie to support Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

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Join Connie to support Ella Baker Center for Human Rights

Ella Baker Center has long been doing the work of fighting the cycle of poverty and incarceration - especially at the interface of youth and prisons. They implement community programs to empower those most hurt by the criminal justice system, they police the police, they campaign for divestment from prisons, and they demand financial accountability from the Alameda Sheriff's Dept. They offer many modes of additional engagement, e.g. podcasts, educational events, book talks, and more, at an impressively high frequency. I'm new to following Ella Baker Center, and I'm inspired by the excellence, commitment, and reach, of this organization.

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Ella Baker Center has long been doing the work of fighting the cycle of poverty and incarceration - especially at the interface of youth and prisons. They implement community programs to empower those most hurt by the criminal justice system, they police the police, they campaign for divestment from prisons, and they demand financial accountability from the Alameda Sheriff's Dept. They offer many modes of additional engagement, e.g. podcasts, educational events, book talks, and more, at an impressively high frequency. I'm new to following Ella Baker Center, and I'm inspired by the excellence, commitment, and reach, of this organization.

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 94-3252009

Advancing racial and economic justice to ensure dignity and opportunity for low-income people and people of color.

Mid-sized organization


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