A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 47-1732304

Join Ching-tai to support Church In Mckinney

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Ching-tai Chen

Join Ching-tai to support Church In Mckinney

The church in McKinney is doing God's will in preaching gospel and edifying members of the Body for the building up of the Body of Christ on the ground of oneness.

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The church in McKinney is doing God's will in preaching gospel and edifying members of the Body for the building up of the Body of Christ on the ground of oneness.

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 47-1732304

Church In Mckinney is a nonprofit religious or spiritual organization. It is based in Mckinney, TX. It received its nonprofit status in 2015.



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A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 47-1732304

Church In Mckinney is a nonprofit religious or spiritual organization. It is based in Mckinney, TX. It received its nonprofit status in 2015.
