Benjamin Eisenpressdonated • DecCharity EntrepreneurshipLondon, UkCharity Entrepreneurship is an effective altruist organization that helps start high-impact charities based on extensive research.Feed nonprofit card link to Charity Entrepreneurship DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Charity Entrepreneurship
Benjamin Eisenpressdonated • 1yCharity EntrepreneurshipLondon, UkCharity Entrepreneurship is an effective altruist organization that helps start high-impact charities based on extensive research.Feed nonprofit card link to Charity Entrepreneurship DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Charity Entrepreneurship
Benjamin Eisenpressdonated • DecFounders Pledge: Climate Fundby Founders PledgeSupporting highly-impactful, evidence-based solutions to the triple challenge of climate change, air pollution and energy poverty.Feed nonprofit card link to Founders Pledge: Climate Fund DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Founders Pledge: Climate Fund
Benjamin Eisenpressdonated • 1yOur World in DataOxford, UkCommunicating the best research and data to understand big global problems and make progress against them.Feed nonprofit card link to Our World in Data DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Our World in Data
Benjamin Eisenpressdonated • DecOur World in DataOxford, UkCommunicating the best research and data to understand big global problems and make progress against them.Feed nonprofit card link to Our World in Data DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Our World in Data
Benjamin Eisenpressdonated • 3yFounders Pledge: Climate Fundby Founders PledgeSupporting highly-impactful, evidence-based solutions to the triple challenge of climate change, air pollution and energy poverty.Feed nonprofit card link to Founders Pledge: Climate Fund DonateFeed nonprofit card link to Founders Pledge: Climate Fund